The excited feeling
First time for this sensation
I feel like I’m under a spell
When I look at you
Hello Hello you shiny boy! Cupid’s arrow Has pierced my heart I shake (with excitement) when I see you.
| Happy ~~ WEEee
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 | 0 comments
Happy ~~ WEEee Yess.. dapat gakk un9 Fb and edit blogger ni haha… ;) rase2 yer blogger nie unn dah nk KO dah … malass Update blog puyer pasal haah~~ simpati toi kat blog niehh..~~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: aii blogger nak dgr x citer aq dapat msok netball haahx J Best toi bagge ler~~ nak taw ark dak fom2 crogker netball Under 15.. hahax nnti ley la wat care kiter puyer netball but Somthig yg x best x der shouter yg sharp..cigku wa cakp nak amik zana.. Bagus.. la gaxx cikgu amik die.. hihi die jerp ark shouter sharp.. Emm sok ader netball latihan NAK PEGI or X NAK PEGI … Ari nie :rabu…:::::::::: p/s :korg x nak cuber kerp mari2 la hhihi Jsok:kahmis…. :::::::::: |